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Women Stretching

Pay as you go group classes or private one to one sessions

Pilates  Plus 
for Inner Strength and Confidence

Pilates Plus Surrey embraces all the benefits of Joseph Pilates original exercises designed to strengthen and rehabilitate the human body.  Group Mat classes are held in 3 locations in Surrey and are a fun and affordable way to discover how Pilates can help you to strengthen and stretch your muscles, develop core and pelvic floor strength while working on your balance and coordination.
If you want a more personal approach you can arrange a bespoke Pilates Plus Surrey session in the privacy and comfort of your own home.


About Me

The Journey To Myself

Hi, I'm Suzanne and I have been working as a Mat Pilates teacher since gaining my qualification in 2014. I was introduced to Pilates after the birth of my 2nd child in 1992 and haven't looked back!  I love the way Pilates offers a wonderful and flexible approach to developing your core strength, overall flexibility and promoting better posture. 

Since training as a Pilates teacher I have also developed an extra interest in promoting pelvic floor strength, having worked with many pregnant and postnatal women in my role as an Antenatal Teacher I have a better knowledge and understanding of the impact pregnancy, labour and birth can have on our bodies and my aim in a Pilates Plus class is to strengthen and maintain these vital muscles for years to come.

Qualifications and Certifications

BA in Educational Studies (NCT)

HFE Mat Pilates Instructor

HFE Antenatal and Postnatal Fitness Instructor

Register of Exercise Professionals - level 3 

Pilates Work Out

Pilates Plus Group Mat Classes

Weekly group class for all ages and abilities.

Whether you are a beginner or pro, a weekly Mat Pilates class might be all you need to feel stronger and more supple. The benefits of group exercise is well recognised, so come along and give a class a go.

Pilates Pose

Pilates Plus Bespoke

One on One or small group classes.

If time is not always your own or you would rather have a more tailored Pilates class, a one to one session will help you focus on your Pilates goals and achieve the results you want.

Yoga Asana


Unique class with pelvic floor focus

Focus on the present moment. Among its benefits, Pilates Fusion helps improve many aspects of your life, including reaction time and short term memory. Those who have tried Pilates Fusion become more relaxed and less distracted by their fleeting thoughts, demonstrating an enhanced ability to solve problems and retain and recall information better.

Leg Stretching Yoga Pose

"The acquirement and enjoyment of physical well-being, mental calm and spiritual peace are priceless to their possessors..."

Joseph Pilates

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